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Home/Blog/How do we get high results?

How do we get high results?

That's right, this is an article about how awesome we are and why we get things done. 😏
But this is not your typical promotional article written by brand marketers or copied from a million other articles talking about "why you should choose us". Here we're going to be honest, transparent, and concise (with no decorum) about our guiding principles that help us get results.

1.Interview and vacancy briefing

In order to find the right person for the role, rather than to fill the position "anyhow", it is necessary to discuss the vacancy with the company-customer comprehensively in quite detail. If in addition to the basic things specified in the job description, the agency learns about the specifics of work, tasks to be performed, company culture, team and other things - the chance of finding "the one" increases, while the time spent talking to unsuitable candidates shrinks.

At TechLinks, we will work with the vacancy briefing until we are 100% sure of who, where, and why we are searching. 😂 
Therefore, the call discussing the role never lasts 5 minutes, together with which the efficiency of the selection increases proportionally. 

We interview candidates and asses their motivation, hard and soft skills and tell them all the details regarding the vacancy so that they come to interviews with our clients prepared and motivated. This is the very basic functionality of each our interview. The "package" of questions discussed during the call is completely individual for each client company, depending on what points are important. 

We are confident in the quality of our work, which is why at TechLinks we offer an extended warranty - if a hired employee leaves the job after less than 6 months - we will do a replacement. 

2.Partnership and long-term cooperation

"Personal approach" sounds nice, but what does it really mean? 👀
Every company has its own culture, its own habitual ways of interacting with candidates, and its own established processes.
It's important for us to know how things work at the client company. From the tone of voice to the form and content of cover letters and the presence of specific questions in our interview.

In addition, it is important to us that communication is transparent, honest and open. This means, for example, that a candidate who was confident that they could work remotely will not be hired in the office, all feedback to our clients will be as "to the point" as possible, and market analysis will be based on real numbers rather than on assumptions and "insights".


An incompetent recruiter is never a good thing. 😅 It's comforting that jokes about confusion between Java and Java Script are getting outdated, but technologies are constantly developing and keeping track of them in order to talk to the customer and the candidate in the same language is a big effort that should not be neglected. We are constantly being trained within the company, we attend courses to gain a deeper understanding of IT and develop our sourcing skills. 

Another expertise comes in handy - knowledge of the labor market. When experience and analytics turn into real figures, you can use them to build working search strategies, make valid assumptions about the timing of the selection and adjust the process. 


We offer the first candidates within three days. It's simple: we have network of contacts, database of candidates, advanced search tools and sources, and multiple specialists working on closing the same opening.

5.International Recruitment 

We recruit candidates from different countries, speak fluent English and Russian and know the specifics of sourcing channels, communication with candidates in different countries in Europe, America, Australia and Asia.

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+30 698 714 0771
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